Guess That Song Challenge - The 60s

Guess That Song Challenge - The 60s

guess that song challenge 60s
(Photo: YouTube, React Channel)

This is fun!

Can you guess these classic songs from the 60s, by song title and artist name, from just hearing the first second of the track? These "elders" were put to the challenge and you can play along with them.

Don't worry... if you don't get it from one second, they'll give you another shot at it with two seconds of audio and then finally a third attempt with fifteen seconds of audio. If you can't guess from there, you're pretty much toast. 

The 60s marked a time when pop music became more than a teenage fad, turning into an important art form in its own right as it soundtracked the political movements, the hippie heyday, and the social revolution.

Check out our sensational Hits of The 60s playlist on Spotify featuring the Bee Gees, Aretha, Otis Redding, The Doors, Ray Charles and stacks more!

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