Regurgitator's 7 Best Music Videos

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Regurgitator's 7 Best Music Videos

regurgitator best videos
 (Photo by Tracey Nearmy/Getty Images)

Long live The 'Gurge! 

Regurgitator have been delivering captivating music vids since their inception in Brisbane in the 90s. A band that so seamlessly blends electro, pop and alt-rock requires a stimulating visual and they've never let us down. 

Here is a selection of our faves.

! (The Song Formerly Known As)

Now, while bands making film clips out of places they’ve visited overseas is nothing new, it’s the little extras that make this one stand out. Multiple cuts standing in front of a busy intersection in Japan, mouthing the words to the song. Big deal? Well the song was slowed down, mimed to, and then the footage slightly sped up to create the fast walking of passers by, whilst the miming remains in time with the original song. That’s just ONE part that makes it good. It’s addictive as hell, a great tune. Definitely a great clip. 

My Friend Robot

This featured on their fifth full length album Mish Mash! Which was a result of the 'Band In A Bubble' experiment that saw the band enter a nearly completely see through home/studio as the band made the album placed in Federation Square in Melbourne. A story for another time, though I mention it because this clip is essentially a product of that time. A silly clip which sees the band part of a Battle Bots type environment. This is why I love their clips, not contrived, just well thought out, and ties into the music brilliantly. They ALWAYS have fun in their clips, and they’re fun to watch which makes them stand out.


For fans of 80’s sci fi movie effects, this has your name written all over it. Part Tron, part computer game, all Regurgitator. This is just yet another example of how well they make the music and clips work harmoniously together. I wrote before that their clips are fun to watch, and this is no different. Each one is like a mini movie with the perfect soundtrack.

Black Bugs

Just over two minutes of catchy as hell ‘Gurg magic right here. Once again they do the animation well, and once again they find a way to make you watch the whole thing. Not that two minutes and twenty-something seconds is a long time mind you, but with attention spans hitting an all time low these days, the ‘Gurg knew how to keep you captive. You want to know what at the end of Satan’s rainbow. 

Blubber Boy

This IS a movie. A story of love, and loss. A story of a warrior cut down in his prime. Again, you have to watch it to the end, and try not to say the rude word in the song too loud in case Mum hears you. 

Kong Foo Sing

This is literally a song about a brand of fortune cookies that you can buy at Big W.  The clip reminds me of the way Beastie Boys would do a clip, and that in itself keeps me watching. Add into it, Ninjas, stunts, and the band performing - and, it's one of their strongest songs with a great riff, and the clip highlights it perfectly. 

Polyester Girl

As clever as it is simple. A song celebrating ditzy trophy girlfriends with a clip to match. Some might say it’s about a blow up doll, that would make it even weirder and wouldn’t surprise me, coming from Regurgitator. But the clip, animated again, reflects the story, and does leave the viewer wondering if it IS in fact a blow up doll they’re eluding to. 

Special shout-out must go to "I Like Your Old Stuff Better Than Your New Stuff". It would be rude not to. Here's the "I Like Your Old Remix" version, this was cutting edge technology!

I’m sure you’ve got your own favourite clips from the Queensland trio, so make sure you leave them in the comments on Facebook so we can all go and enjoy! Clearly, we are fans of the animated stuff but there's so many more to choose from, think of "Superstright",  "Fat Cop", "Everyday Formula", "Bong In My Eye"... the list goes on and on! 

Also, check out this curated playlist Regurgitator put together for us in The Roots Of Regurgitator including 10 tracks that influenced their sound.

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